20: What a Shame about Me

The heavy silver ball rolls up his spine
Picking up speed and mean
The gray loosens up
Ready to embrace the coming destruction

The end is blind
Skin gets the final solo

The silver ball makes no decision
It shakes a memory loose
It took a week to heal
And is propelled through the gray
Until it hits another cluster
The cold gritty wall at his back
Hot breath rushing out his nose
Waiting for Carl to give up

It's getting darker in his own head
And all sound is collapsing into pink

Standing in a stream
Water is not
One thing
But many snakes
Each with a slightly different coldness
The silver ball is the same
All over and to the core

There is a clear separation
Between the pole pushing up against his leg
And the leg giving up
What was a closed circuit is open
To the whole world
And the world to it
Communicating through pain

The silver ball
Does not loose speed
After a collision
Fifteen thousand pounds
Fifty four miles an hour
Feet off the ground

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